Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Validate Blank Subject line for Outlook 2007

Currently, in the professional world, Outlook is most popularly used as the email client. The subject line is a very important part of any email. A good subject line can attract the attention of the email reader. How many times has it happened to you that you have sent an email through Outlook without a subject line? After clicking the Send button, you realize that you have made a mistake. Are you forgetting to include the subject line in emails? Outlook does not validate for an empty subject line.


We'll follow these steps to validate an empty subject line for Outlook 2007.

1. Go to Tools -> Macro -> Visual Basic Editor. Or, directly press Alt + F11.

2. The Visual Basic editor window gets opened.
3. On the left pane, you will see Microsoft Outlook Objects or Project1, expand this. Now, you will see the ThisOutLookSession entry.

4. Double click on ThisOutLookSession. It will open up a code pane.
5. Copy and paste the following code in the code pane:
Private Sub Application_ItemSend(ByVal Item As Object, Cancel As Boolean)
   Dim strSubject As String
   strSubject = Item.Subject
   If Len(Trim(strSubject)) = 0 Then
       Prompt$ = "Subject is Empty. Are you sure you want to send the Mail?"
      If MsgBox(Prompt$, vbYesNo + vbQuestion + _
            vbMsgBoxSetForeground, _
            "Check for Subject") = vbNo Then
        Cancel = True
      End If
  End If
End Sub

Now, just save the project.

There is one more setting you need to do, and that is to enable the macro. Go to Tools->Macro->Security. A dialog window gets opened. Select Warning for all macro options.

That's it.. You are good to go now.

Close your Outlook and open it again. You will be notified about a security concern. See the image below:

Click on Enable Macros.

Now, try to send an mail with an empty subject line. Enjoy....

Virendra Dugar

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Access ViewState between Pages

Before I start this article, let me ask you something. Is it possible to access the ViewState variable of one page on another page? I don't know what your answer is. Well, frankly speaking, my answer was also "NO" before writing this article as it is said that ViewState is page specific.

ViewState is a very misunderstood animal. It is said that ViewState is Page specific; that means, it is available only on the same page on which it was created. Once you redirect to another page, the previous page's viewstate is no longer accessible. But that is not true.


Yes, we can access the viewstate variables across pages. This is only possible if Cross Page Posting or Server.transfer is used to redirect the user to other page. If Response.redirect is used, then ViewState cannot be accessed across pages.

Before you continue reading this article, please read these articles on Cross Page Posting and Server.transfer.

Ok, so all set now... I will demonstrate this using the demo created by me. You can download the demo from the link at the top of this article.

I have created two *.aspx pages named:
  1. ViewStateContainer.aspx: This page sets the ViewState variable and transfers the user to another page using Server.transfer.
  2. AccessViewState.aspx: This page accesses the ViewState variable of ViewStateContainer.aspx page.
This is the code of ViewStateContainer.aspx page:
public partial class ViewStateContainer : System.Web.UI.Page
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        ViewState["Page1"] = "Page1 ViewState";

    public StateBag ReturnViewState()
        return ViewState;

As you can see, I have set a ViewState variable in Page Load and transfer the user to AccessViewState.aspx page using the Server.transfer() method.

This page also contains a method ReturnViewState() which actually returns the ViewState of this page to the calling function. The return type of the method is StateBag class.

StateBag class: This class is the primary storage mechanism for all HTML and Web server controls. It stores attribute/value pairs as strings associated with the control. It tracks changes to these attributes only after the OnInit method is executed for a page request, and saves the changes to the page's or control's viewstate.

Now let's take look at AccessViewState.aspx Page code:
public partial class AccessViewState : System.Web.UI.Page
    private StateBag PreviousPageViewState
            StateBag returnValue = null;
            if (PreviousPage != null)
                Object objPreviousPage = (Object)PreviousPage;
                MethodInfo objMethod = objPreviousPage.GetType().GetMethod
                return (StateBag)objMethod.Invoke(objPreviousPage, null);
            return returnValue;

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (PreviousPage != null)
            if (PreviousPageViewState != null)
                Label1.Text = PreviousPageViewState["Page1"].ToString();

Whenever we use Server.transfer or Cross Page Posting, We can get the previous page object via PreviousPage property. Using Previous Page, we can find the controls of the previous page. For example, one can access Label control placed in ViewStateContainer Page in current Page.

Looking at the code, I have created a PreviousPageViewState property in this page, which returns the previous page's ViewState. It first checks whether PreviousPage is null or not, if it's not null, then it creates an object of the previous page. Now using Reflection, we can invoke the method of the previous class. Using MethodInfo class, I have invoked the ReturnViewState() method of ViewStateContainer Page.

In Page_Load event, I am able to access the ViewState variable of ViewStateContainer Page. You can access all the viewstate variables set in ViewStateContainer Page.

Virendra Dugar
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