Monday, November 30, 2009

Difference between C# and VB.NET

This question is asked almost in every interview, if you have worked with both the language. There are syntax difference, keyword difference in both the language. But the interviewer is not looking for such answers. One need to explain the functional difference between both the languages.

Here are some key difference in C# and VB.NET other than syntax differences.

  1. In C#, using keyword is used to release unmanaged resources. (Not available in VB.NET)
  2. Optional parameter is supported in VB.NET. (Not available in C# 3.0 or below version).
  3. Structure and unstructured error handling (On Error GoTo) is supported in VB.NET. (Unstructured error handling is not supported in C#).
  4. Event gets bind automatically in VB.Net.
  5. VB.NET is not case sensitive where C# is.
  6. Shadowing: – This is a VB.Net Concept by which you can provide a new implementation for the base class member without overriding the member. You can shadow a base class member in the derived class by using the keyword “Shadows”. The method signature, access level and return type of the shadowed member can be completely different than the base class member.

    Hiding: – This is a C# Concept by which you can provide a new implementation for the base class member without overriding the member. You can hide a base class member in the derived class by using the keyword “new”. The method signature, access level and return type of the hidden member has to be same as the base class member.

    Comparing the two:-
    1) The access level, signature and the return type can only be changed when you are shadowing with VB.NET. Hiding and overriding demands these parameters as same.
    2) The difference lies when you call the derived class object with a base class variable. In class of overriding although you assign a derived class object to base class variable it will call the derived class function. In case of shadowing or hiding the base class function will be called.

  7. Visual Basic .NET can also force parameters to be passed by value, regardless of how they are declared, by enclosing the parameters in extra parentheses. There is no way to achieve this thing in C#.
    For Example:
    1Dim y As Integer = 5
    2Dim z As Integer
    3z = Add(y) //This will set both Y and Z to 6.
    4z = Add((y)) //This will set Z to 6 but Value of Y will not be change, as we have included extra parenthese while calling.

    The Add function:

    1Public Function Add(ByRef x As Integer) As Integer
    2x = x + 1
    3Return x
    4End Function

I know this is not a complete list, so if you know any other difference kindly post your comments.


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